If You Are Fighting Deportation Or Removal . . .
We Can Help You Put Together The Strongest Defense Possible
Winning is not easy.
Since 9/11 immigration rules have become stricter. Becoming or staying a lawful permanent resident is harder than ever. The reasons you can be deported have increased.
What Are The Causes Of Deportation?
Perhaps the government is trying to deport you because:
- You entered the United States legally with a visa, but decided not to leave.
- Your spouse’s application to help you win a green card was rejected.
- You entered the United States without permission.
- You have a criminal conviction, perhaps several years ago.
- You were entitled to temporary protection under a program, like TPS, DACA, or VAWA, but your period of protection has expired.
Whatever your immigration situation, this is not the time to give up.
Deportation Can Have A Disastrous Impact On You And Your Loved Ones
If the government has served a Notice To Appear and filed removal charges against you, you probably feel worried and confused. You do not know what will happen to you.
You risk being torn from your family, your friends, and your community.
You risk losing the country which has now become your home – especially if you arrived as a small child. You risk being sent back to a country where you are now a stranger.
And it could be worse for your spouse and children.
They may be forced to follow you. They may be forced to move to a country which they have never seen. They may be forced to move to a country where they do not speak the language or know the culture.
If you lose, your family loses.
This is the real impact of deportation. In most cases, deportation does not only affect the immigrant who is facing removal back to his home country . . . it also affects children, spouses, and close relatives
. . . and in many different ways.
The pain, the hurt, the suffering of removal from the U.S. goes far deeper than just separation.
Each immigrant family confronting the deportation of a parent faces unique circumstances, quietly and alone – sometimes embarrassed and ashamed – and often confused where to turn to help.
Many spouses feel like Chris – not willing to let her husband give up without a fight:
“If my husband is deported, either I lose him, or my family here. There is no way around that fact.
We have three children, all born here. The children adore Ricardo. It shatters my heart to think that my husband and I could have to leave them. I don’t know what they would do. No father, no mother. But how can we take them to a country where they don’t even speak the language?
And my own mother. We are all that she has. We care for her everyday. If I leave her in a seniors home, I break every promise that I have ever made to her.
Yet how can my marriage survive if I cannot ever live with my husband again? How can I stay here if he is sent back to his home country?
Deportation would mean the end of my dreams of having a stable family, going back to school, buying a home, and enjoying the love of my life.
Losing is not an option we’re willing to accept. We want to fight. But we’re not sure what to do.”
Fighting Deportation Is Difficult
Your case will be sent to the Immigration Court to begin removal proceedings. The judge will give you the chance to show why you should not be deported.
If you are taken into custody by immigration officers, you may need to set up a Bond Review Hearing. If successful, the judge will release you from immigration jail.
At your first hearing, called a Master Calendar Hearing, the government will ask the judge to order your removal from the United States.
Your case may have several hearings. Your case might last a few months. It might take five years or longer.
Your case ends, usually, with a trial.
At your trial, known as a Merits Hearing, you will be given a chance to present your case. You will be given a chance to defend against deporation and prove why you should be allowed to stay in the United States.
Challenging the government will be tough. Trying to do this on your own is not a good idea.
Recent studies have shown that only 43% of immigrants go to Immigration Court with a lawyer. 57% went alone. 80% of those lost their cases.
That point deserves to be repeated.
57% of immigrants go to immigration court alone without a lawyer. 80% lost.
Trying to handle your own case is not a good idea. Hiring a deportation defense lawyer is essential to your survival and success.

You Usually Get Just One Chance
The government will deport 300,000 immigrants – or more – in the next twelve months. You do not have to be one of them – if you can put together a strong defense.
Your need for strong deportation defense services has never been greater.
Your need for an immigration defense warrior has never been greater.
Your spouse and children’s need for protection against family separation has never been greater.
A single error can destroy your chances for success.
You need to present your case with great carefulness. But you cannot afford to be timid.
For most immigrants facing deportation, the odds are not favorable. You need the strongest deportation and removal defense possible.
From how accurately your paperwork is prepared – to how clearly your witnesses testify – it is difficult to win your deportation case without the help and guidance of an experienced immigration hearings and trial lawyer.
For instance, a special immigration program may have existed for persons from your home country 5-10 years ago. Now the program has expired. Yet, maybe the program can still help you.
An experienced immigration court trial attorney should know if that old law can still be used to fight your deportation . . . keep you and your family in the United States . . . and help you win a green card.
The right immigration attorney can also protect you at deportation hearings against bad decisions.
If the government lawyer files the wrong charges against you or distorts your immigration history, your deportation lawyer should be ready to challenge these errors.
If the immigration judge omits important evidence or uses a procedure against you in an unfair way, your removal defense lawyer should be ready to confront these mistakes.
But A Strong Defense Against Deportation Is Possible And Can Be Successful
Choosing the right immigration trial lawyer to help you stop deportation is crucial.
Choosing the right immigration trial lawyer to help you avoid separation from your family, perhaps forever, is imperative.
Choosing the right immigration trial lawyer to help you win the right to live and work legally in the United States is possible.
The harder your deportation defense case, the more your deportation hearings lawyer will need:
- A comprehensive understanding of various cultures, country conditions, and family histories – to develop evidence demonstrating your unique worthiness to remain in the United States
- A detailed knowledge of deportation and removal cases throughout the United States – to ensure all favorable hardship factors are weighed by the immigration judge
- A vast experience in trial tactics, strategies, and immigration procedures – to protect your rights to a fair hearing and to build your case with precision and thoroughness
Navigating Immigration Court: What You Must Know For A Successful Defense
Your Defense – Our Commitment
For over 20 years, the Law Offices of Carlos Batara have helped immigrants fight deportation and win permanent residence. We specialize in handling complicated cases.
We have assisted deportation defense clients living not only in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, and all Southern California, but also in many other states, including:
- Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida
- Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan
- Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York
- North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island
- Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington
As your deportation and removal attorneys, we promise to help you:
- Determine if any family, employment, or lesser-known immigration programs – like asylum, VAWA, TPS, and NACARA – can help you earn permanent residency.
- Confront evidence used by the government which violates your rights to a fair trial and due process.
- Challenge the immigration impact of arrests and convictions on your privilege to remain in the United States.
- Calculate the likelihood of successfully seeking cancellation of removal if your permanent resident or U.S. citizen spouses, children, or parents will suffer exceptional and extremely unusual hardship.
- Defend against deportation and removal by presenting your case with persistence, ingenuity, and compassion.
- Preserve important issues for your Immigration Appeals Attorney in case you need to file an immigration appeal at the end of your deportation and removal trial.
Obviously, we cannot guarantee results.
But as your deportation defense lawyers, we will tenaciously and tirelessly fight for you to remain in the United States – as if you were one of our own family members.
Because if you’re facing deportation . . . you need the strongest defense possible.
If you are facing deportation, you refuse to give up, and you’re ready to discover how to fight back, with fresh eyes in a comprehensive manner . . .
Let’s schedule your Deportation Defense Strategy And Planning Session today.