Do you have a hard case but you do not live nearby?
You’re not alone. We’ve helped immigrants from 47 states and 125 countries.
Our virtual law office can help you figure out your best options – no matter whether you live:
- Down the street
- In another city
- In another state
- In another country
If you wonder what types of help a law office can provide for immigants on a nationwide basis, here are some insights about hard cases which can be fought and won, no matter where you live, or where you were born – even on a long distance basis.

Too many immigrants give up at the first sign of adversity.
- A denial from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- An unfavorable ruling at their Immigration Court hearing
- A negative decision at an American Consulate office abroad
They feel all is lost. Well, maybe it is. But maybe it’s not. This is where fighting back is important.
When the going gets tough, after all, the tough get going.
Difficult cases have been a core component of our services, coast to coast, for three decades. .
1. Requests For Evidence
Eli, born in Cuba and living in Florida, had only 21 days to file an RFE or the green card application filed for his wife from Colombia was supported by evidence showing extreme hardship.
Do not let the government’s request for more evidence baffle you. Here are some tips on how to successfully respond to such inquiries: What You Need To Know About Requests For Evidence.
2. Motions To Reopen And Reconsider
James, born in China and living in Chicago, filed for his step-daughter. USICS, alleging visa fraud, denied her I-485. To fight back, we filed a 290B motion to reopen and reconsider. She won and is now a U.S. citizen.
Here are some important insights when your last chance immigration defense involves winning a motion to reopen and reconsider with USCIS: How Motions To Reopen And Reconsider Can Help You Win A Green Card After Denial.
3. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Cara, born in Jamaica, moved to Louisana with her same-sex U.S. citizen spouse, who began to abuse her daily. She fled to another city. We were able to trace and obtain evidence help her win a green card under VAWA.
This video explains how you can win a green card even when there has been no direct physical harm: 10 VAWA Keys To Prove Extreme Cruelty And Win Permanent Residence.
4. Immigration Court Appeals
Gavino, born in Honduras and living in Texas, was given a Notice To Appear at Immigration Court. His lawyer failed to raise a crucial defense. We filed an appeal with the BIA and his case was sent back to court for a new trial.
For more information on our appellate services for immigration court cases, see: What You Need To Know About Immigration Appeals.
5. K-1 Fiancé Visa Denials
Elesa, a resident of Russia, met her fiancé who was living in Seattle. They fell in love. He filed a K-1 petition, using an internet-based company. The visa was denied due to insufficient evidence. We refiled, they won, and finally were married in the U.S.
Certain issues cause many couples to lose their K-1 cases. These issues are “red flags” for the government. Learn these issues and ensure you provide USCIS with convincing evidence that your relationship is genuine: 7 Red Flags That Can Wreck Your Fiancé Visa Case.
6. Marriage Green Cards
Pauline, born in Greece and living in Boston, sought a green card via common law marriage to a U.S. citizen. The government denied the petition. On appeal, she showed the government’s position was wrong and prevailed.
Government officials often fail to recognize marriages that do not look “normal”. But the reality is that not marriages fit into a “one type fits all” formula. And when couples are not careful, certain errors can undermine their applications to be together forever. Before giving up, take a quick look at How To Overcome Marriage Green Card Denials.
7. I-601 and I-601A Hardship Waivers
Grace, born in Mexico and living in Arizona, petitioned her spouse via a notario. Months later, they learned he needed a waiver. The notario disappeared. While her husband waited abroad, we filed his waiver request and they now live together in the U.S.
Winning I-601 and I-601A are difficult. Yet, they are essential for many immigrants. And, for many, they are the last chance defense to keep their families together. Here are 8 Tips To Win Your Family Unity Hardship Waiver Case.
8. Temporary Protected Status
Andrey, from Ukraine and living in Hawaii, was denied TPS due to firm resettlement policy. Motions to reopen and reconsider were filed, challenging the government’s policy. USCIS reversed its decision.
TPS is a program under constant political attack. As a result, you must learn the rules for temporary protected status, and be careful to meet the various rules for success.
Like Andrey, do not simply quit if your application is denied. The page explains, before you seek TPS benefits, what you should know: From TPS To Permanent Residence (Even If TPS Is Terminated Or Has Expired).
9. USCIS Notices Of Intent To Deny (NOID)
Bruce, in Romania on military duty, met his wife. He wanted to move to Kansas. She was sent a NOID due to a previous entry. After filing a waiver, in which the border officers’ actions were challenged, she was granted a visa to join her husband.
A Notice Of Intent To Deny means this is your last chance to straighten things out with USCIS before they formally deny their case. Learn more here: Why You Must Respond To A Notice Of Intent To Deny.
10. I-130 Immigrant Relative Visas And Family Petitions
Robert, from Nigeria and living in Boston, remarried. His new wife’s I-130 was denied due to his earlier marriage where the case was withdrawn. After filing an appeal, the new I-130 was approved and he now owns a successful business.
Sometimes, with a little extra caution, appealing negative I-130 decisions can be avoided. Other times, challenging the government is necessary. A few pointers: How To Prevent And Overcome I-130 Denials.
Ready to take a serious and honest look at the strengths and weaknesses of your immigration case? Let’s get started with a personalized strategy and planning session . . .